Durata: 30 ore
Obiettivi formativi
Il corso è finalizzato a consolidare le conoscenze linguistiche nella gestione della corrispondenza e-mail. Svilupperà le competenze grammaticali e di comprensione.
- Informal letters – Structure and language
- Formal letters – Structure and language
- Greeting and salutations – Formal and informal, different styles and standards
- Address positioning – Styles, type of letter
- American and British preferences – Language, greetings
- Structure of a letter – Introduction, body, conclusion. Direct and getting the point across
- Emails – informal/formal/neutral language – Type of language used
- Abbreviations
- Brief overview of grammatical structure – Grammar revision – formal vs. informal forms
- Linking words – How to link ideas
- Highlighting information – Giving emphasis to important points
- Complaining and apologising – Formal and informal